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I'm Bill Murphy Jr. I call my ebooks “ubooks,” because they’re continually improved and updated, and because they’re free for subscribers of my (also free) email newsletter (called Understandably.com).
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What's inside the book
Here’s a quick preview of the book, and the smart habits that people with high emotional intelligence understand and practice:➥ Habit #1: They start conversations the right way, and avoid the wrong language.➥ Habit #2: They express shared emotions without ceding control.➥ Habit #3: They guide conversations without being controlling.➥ Habit #4: They encourage people to like them by using words that signal support.➥ Habit #5: They adjust their language to give advice effectively, and they easily spot bad advice.➥ Habit #6: They recognize when a so-called weakness is actually a strength, and they seek to emulate it.➥ Habit #7: They understand how a few simple, intentional words can improve the tenor of almost any conversation.➥ Habit #8: They own their decisions when they have to say no, and they learn to spot when others cannot.➥ Habit #9: They reflect on their conversations and improve performance.

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Copyright © Bill Murphy Jr. - 2021